27 much more quite pictures FROM MY trip TO AFRICA

Posted: 2/14/2013 | February 14th, 2013

Last December, I went to Africa. It was life changing.

Africa is beautiful, breathtaking, and, as I stated before, like “God’s zoo.” I took over 800 pictures during my short three-week trip. I put up some pictures last month, as well as because I had so many, I wished to share some much more today. There are just as well numerous great ones. So without even more rambling, right here are 27 much more pictures to kick-start your day:

An elephant keeping great in Namibia (one of my preferred countries on the continent).

A lone tree in the savannah, Namibia

Zebras as well as a giraffe out for a stroll in Etosha national Park, Namibia

Sand dunes outside Swakopmund, Namibia.

I didn’t touch up this photo. This is what they really look like! Crazy, huh? It’s like a painting.

Ducks hanging out at the watering hole during sunset, Namibia

Watering hole in Etosha national Park, Namibia

Der Nachthimmel. My video camera doesn’t have a extremely sensitive lens, however you get the concept — you can see a great deal of stars in the sky there.

A bushman from Botswana. He was pleased as well as energetic in his explanations about the regional plants.

Giraffes lounging in the shade in Etosha national Park, Namibia.

My guide stated that this sight is rare, since if they sit down, it makes them simple targets for predators. If they’re sitting, they feel extremely safe.

The red dunes of Deadvlei, Namibia

The Okavango Delta, Botswana

An elephant at the Chobe River

No concept where this sunset was — however pretty, huh?

A lazy water buffalo at the Chobe River

The cracked earth of Deadvlei, Namibia

Fighting (or kissing?) monkeys at the Chobe River, Botswana

A crocodile in the Chobe River, Botswana

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

The Okavango Delta from the air, Botswana

Sandboarding outside Swakopmund, Namibia

Somewhere in Namibia…

Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon…

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe/Zambia border

Sunset at the watering hole in Etosha national Park, Namibia

More elephants taking a stroll in Chobe, Botswana

Zebras at the watering hole in Etosha national Park

A lioness in Etosha national Park, Namibia

And here’s a video of some dancing in Damaraland, Namibia (it’s a bit cheesy, however they have excellent voices):

I can’t wait to get back as well as check out much more of Africa. I only scratched the surface, however in my short visit, I saw such diversity that I look ahead to going back…sooner rather than later, I hope.

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